Björn Neuhaus has been working as an evaluator since 2003 and founded evalux in 2005.
He studied Cultural Studies (Social Science, Linguistics and Economics) and Mediation at the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), as well as in Poznań and Warsaw.
His main fields of interest centers around interactions between society, organizations, and individuals as well as participatory methods in the fields of society, culture, and corporations.
He has more than 15 years experience in working for (non-profit and policy) organizations.
Björn is experienced in mediating between different stakeholders in diverse contexts and in developing concepts, which enjoy broad support. Based on his mediation experience, he has first-hand knowledge of the challenges project partners might face and knows how to avoid possible pitfalls. It is important for him to get a holistic view of the evaluation and consultation projects he is involved in and to take different perspectives. He approaches this goal by combining methods of various disciplines.
Björn is based in Bern and actively contributes to the European Evaluation Society (EES), Swiss Evaluation Society (SEVAL), Société Française d’Évaluation (SFE) as well as the (German-Austrian) Gesellschaft für Evaluation (DeGEval).
in Switzerland:
t: 0041 31 511 51 35
in Germany:
t: 0049 30 809 3270-21
Skype: b.neuhaus